Sunday, January 4, 2009

Books I read in 2008 : )

Sorry I've been totally missing in action...
Though I stopped blogging all my 'book reports' online,
I didn't stop reading!

So I'm just going to list out all the books I read this past year --
Special thanks to those who totally supported me (a total overachiever),
kept me accountable,
and bore with me when i went on & on about the fabulous books I read : b

I obviously did not meet the lofty '365 books a year' goal,
but I'm glad I still read more than I've ever had : )

Martial Arts Lit.:
47-49: 多情劍客無情劍 (上、中、下)
50-51: 天涯明月刀(上、下)
52-54: 逆水寒(上、中、下)
55-57: 逆水寒續集(上、中、下)
58-59: 三少爺的劍(上、下)
60-61: 一怒拔劍(上、下)
62-66: 將軍劍(1-5)
67-69: 少年冷血(1-3)
70: 請借夫人一用

71: 假面
72: 單戀
73: 預知夢
74: 蚱蜢
75: R.P.G.
76: The Runaway Jury
77: 阿正當家
78: 小偷與玫瑰
79: 哀愁終點站
80: 聖惡女
81: 高山殺人行1/2之女
82: 孩子們
83: 完美的藍
84: 奧杜邦的祈禱
85: 完美無缺的名偵探
86: 北方夕鹤1/2殺人
87: 不安的童話
88: 謹告犯人
89: 三色貓戰爭與和平
90: 三色貓恐怖館
91: 死了七次的男人
92: 羅蘋計劃
93: 中庭殺人事件

94: Shinjuku Shark
95: Showdown
96: 早餐B
97: 重量級情話
98: Sunday At Tiffany's
99: 村上朝日堂嗨呵
100: Belong To Me
101: A Thousand Splendid Suns
102: 三國演義
103: 三國演義100名言
104: Like Water For Chocolate

105: Somewhere in Heaven - The Remarkable Love Story of Dana & Christopher Reeve
106: The Film Club
107: 一碗陽春麵的回憶
108: Beneath The Surface
109: Losing My Mind
110: Dog Talk

111: 金庸散文
112: 金庸小說十談
113: 做廿一世紀的人才
114: 先別急著吃棉花糖
115: Complications
116: Better
117: 華人十大富豪
118: 我的名字叫MONEY
119: Fast Food Nation
120: Wrong About Japan
121: 時間管理十堂課
122: Eats, Shoots, & Leaves
123: 一本女人寫給女人的理財書

124: 謝謝你用愛罵我
125: The Four Loves
126: Love As A Way of Life
127: The Five Love Languages

128: Japanese Women Don't Get Old Or Fat
129: 蔡瀾食典
130: Fried Butter
131: 精巧意菜DIY
132: 賣熱飲創業
133: 宴客菜色
134: 西餐料理一把罩
135: 日式燒烤大全
136: 海鮮
137: 綠色沙拉&醬汁
138: 梁瓊白教你炒飯
139: 早午餐一起吃
140: 精緻中西甜品
141: Kitchen Confidential
142: Festive Entertaining
143: Sushi for Wimps
144: Cooking to Impress
145: 青春白蔬菜
146: 一根雞腿
147: 美顏紅蔬菜
148: 活力綠蔬菜(上)
149: 不失敗之新手甜點
150: 巧手做羹湯
151: At Home With Magnolia

152: What To Wear
153: What Not To Wear
154: 伊人美髮
155: 凱渥名模美麗宣言
156: Living Beauty
157: How To Cut, Curl & Care for Your Hair
158: The Busy Girl's Guide to Looking Great
159: Great Braids

160: Driver's Manuel
161: The Language of Medicine

I thought I read over 200, but obviously NOT!
WOW 0_o" it's amazing that I'd aim for 365,
& ended up achieving only 60%...
But nonetheless, I'm glad I attempted, & it's all good! : )