Title: The Jesus I Never Knew
Who wrote it: Philip Yancey
Whom I borrowed it from: Karen : )
What is it about:
Jesus plays the key role in Christianity,
but how many people really know
what He's all about?
In this book, Yancey attempts to unveil
the common stereotypes & misconceptions
about Jesus, while conveying God's truth
& hope in a refreshing manner,
backed with in-depth researches,
powerful quotes & practical illustrations.
What went through my mind:
- This book is not as easy to read as
Yancey's other book,
What's so Amazing about Grace?
Not that it's bad in any ways, but simply
more theological/historical, and fewer
real-life stories/examples.
- This is one of those books that you'd
need to read more than twice...
in order to absorb the super duper rich content,
and allow the information to translate
into knowledge in one's mind.
I tried to read only one chapter at a time,
and remind myself at least 1 thing
i've learned from the previous chapters,
before moving on to the next.
- One of the most memorable things
i realized, was how often we overlook
the simple fact that Jesus was born as a Jew,
and that a lot of the things He did
don't appear offensive/strange to us,
but were actually very revolutionary in His time.
His other identities such as the Son of Man /
Son of God / Lover that pursues after us...
all became more vivid to me through
Yancey's elaboration.
- This book also helped humble me
in knowing that there are so many literature
out there that I have not read / heard of,
yet is full of wisdom...
& that my God is HUGEEEEEEEEEEEE
yet i only know tiny bits about Him... : /
Who am i to boast... about anything???
Favorite Quotes (There are too many good ones...
so i'm only gonna quote from the final chapter):
- "Jesus' uncompromising blend of graciousness
toward sinners and hostility towards sin,
because in much of church history I see
virtually the opposite." (Pg. 259)
: (
- "Jesus... brought God near." (Pg. 266)
- "Do you ever just let God love you?
The story of Jesus is the story of... love.
It involves pain and diappointment.
But Jesus embodies the promise of a God
who will go to any length to win us back." (Pg. 275)
* This quote moved me so much,
that i shared it with my church ppl
when i led worship this past sunday : 0
What came out of this:
*Lesson learned:
Good Friday symbolizes the sacrifice that Jesus
has offered for us... and our past is gone;
Easter Sunday signifies our glorious future,
that we will be resurrected with Him one day...
Meanwhile, this is Saturday --
we might struggle here and there,
but we must look back to see what God has
accomplished on Friday, and hold on to the
Promise of Sunday... : )
* Goal: Reread the book!
Why Should you read it, too?
- You'll find out more about an amazing God...
who loves you and wants you to love Him!
** Warning: Be prepared to do some SERIOUS THINKING!
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